The Bene Hydrafacial Difference.


There are Hydrafacial treatments available in almost every skin care practice across Austin.

So why should you book yours at Bene?

Bene provides unparalleled value and customization in each of the three upgraded Hydrafacial Treatments beyond the Basic Hydrafacial. A custom-chosen booster (or two) is part of each Hydrafacial treatment. There’s no additional upselling in the treatment room to add-on different boosters. This gives you a better experience, eliminating  a “sales pitch” during your treatment and puts the power in the esthetician’s hands to give you the best treatment every time you come in.

Custom hydrafacial best in Austin tx

Did you know that there are 14 different boosters made by Hydrafacial and their brand partners?!? Bene currently offers 9 of the different boosters and continues to expand its offerings. That’s far beyond the 3-5 different options most commonly listed on service menus in the Austin area.

Celluma blends three different wavelengths of light: Blue for acne, Red for fine lines. & wrinkles, Near InfraRed to reduce inflammation. In each program, the wavelengths are weighted for maximum benefit- more blue light in the acne mode, for example.

Bene also uses the full-face Celluma LED Therapy panel for the LED treatment during our Hydrafacial treatments as opposed to the handheld spot devices that come standard on the Hydrafacial device. Again, eliminating any upselling in the treatment room. The Celluma Panel blends three different wavelengths of light: Blue for acne, Red for fine lines and wrinkles, Near InfraRed to reduce inflammation. Depending on the the clients needs and the program chosen the wavelengths are given priority. (More blue light in the acne mode, for example.) We do this to provide you a better experience and superior results every time you walk through the door.

We are confident that we provide the most thorough and individualized Hydrafacial treatment in the greater Austin area. That’s something backed up by client feedback over and over again.